

  • Enslaved: People of the Historic Slave Trade. Directed by Dean Rehberger
  • Freedom Narratives. Directed by Paul E. Lovejoy
  • Slave Biographies Directed by Gwendolyn Midlo Hall and Walter Hawthorne.
  • Liberated Africans. Directed by Henry B. Lovejoy
  • Equiano’s World. Directed by Paul E. Lovejoy.
  • Projeto Baquaqua. Directed by Bruno VĂ©ras and Paul E. Lovejoy
  • Le Marronnage dans le Monde Atlantique. Directed by Jean-Pierre Le Glaunec
  • Runaway Slaves in Britain: bondage, freedom and race in the eighteenth century Directed by Simon P. Newman at al
  • Slave Societies Digital Archive Directed by Jane Landers
  • SHADD: Studies in the History of the African Diaspora Documents Directed by Paul E. Lovejoy
  • Slavery Images Directed by Henry B. Lovejoy
  • Creating a visual language of marks Directed by M. Ladly, K. Keefer and K. Chadha
  • Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database Directed by David Eltis